AssistX Mobil assured calling with your AAC device
Assured Calling WITH YOUR AAC DEVICE The secure, flexible, wireless call system at home, in residential groups, nursing homes and clinics Assured calling with...
AssistX Mobil for Assisted Living
ASSURED CALLING! FOR ASSISTED LIVING The secure, flexible, wireless call system for intensive care at home, in residential groups, nursing homes and clinics. Everyday...
AMAneo’s success in Japan
Interview in English AMAneo’s success in Japan The Assistive Mouse Adapter AMAneo BTi, made by CSS in Germany, was introduced into Japanese market thanks...
ATAAC Best Product Award 2019
Best Product Award ATAAC is a conference for assistive technologies and alternative and augmentative communication for people with disabilities. The CSS MicroSystems team took part in this conference in Zagreb in 2019 as an exhibitor and speaker. CSS applied for the big ATAAC Best Product Award 2019. It was really exciting until the winner was announced: “We didn’t know what happened there. Everyone in the hall counted down to zero. And then: surprise! – We absolutely did not expect it, but of course we always believed in our product.” – Dierk Schmid, CEO & CTO “That was...
VR-InnovationsPreis 2019
VR-InnovationsPreis for the middle class Innovations-Price of the Volksbank Raiffeisenbanken in Baden-Württemberg. 2019 our CSS MicroSystems team entered the contest for the VR-Innovations-Preis Mittelstand with the product AMAneo BTi. And got the price! At a gala event in the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, we received the award in front of 1,500 invited guests. The 3-day video shoot for a short film about us and our product was also exciting. An gripping experience with a professional film team! Hopefully our AMAneo BTi mouse adapter can help many people to get access to their iPad and...